JULY 2019



work in development

KXT is supporting the further development of new work by opening the doors to the new popup space in the hotel’s BORDELLO Room as part of the KXTPOPUPSTAIRS program. we’re welcoming in a bunch of theatre makers and offering up time to a heap of new works all at various stages of early development.

But You Don’t Look Sick 

A comedy about four friends who all have one thing in common - their mind and body hates them. 

This black comedy follows four unique journeys across the healthcare system. But don’t worry, it’s funny because you know, being sick is depressing. Based on real life experience, it’s honest, provocative and has terrible bedside manners. 

But You Don’t Look Sick is not a show we are making, it’s one we are living. by The C Collective

Honey Boo Boo Blood & Gore

Think Toddlers & Tiaras meets Lord of the Flies mashed-up with Carrie. Then you’re getting close to the essence of this dark and sparkly new piece by Glitterbomb, devised with the company.

Director Carissa Licciardello, Dramaturg Luke Yager, Designer Nick Fry, Movement Director/Fight Choreographer Jack Crumlin

Confessions of A Custard Melon Pan

is a bilingual one woman show exploring the complexity, humour and absurdity of an Australian Japanese diasporic experience through text, sound and physical performance.

Written and performed by Arisa Yura / Directed by Courtney Stewart

Fortitude by Richard Graham

The exploration of what happens when a beloved son abuses his family’s trust. His brutal motives will divide then dismantle the close knit family.

Sheds in the City

three queers try to make their livelihood in Sydney. Much to their distress its harder to get along here than in the country. By Charles Vaux

The IGNITE Collective

GIRL BAND by Katy Warner, JOAN by Natesha Somasundaram, RUPTURED by Ciella Williams, PSYCHOPATH by Gretel Vella

residency features the New Ghosts Scratch Night on Wednesday 10th July

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